Northwest Legends Club Meeting Minutes
(February 1, 2025) 


Meeting called to order at 6:12pm by our President, Bill Nelson at Amante Pizza and Pasta, in Kent, WA.

The meeting total attendance was 16. 

No guests and no new members attended this Club Meeting. Dale Knutson was introduced as a returning member, who had been absent for several years. 

Bob Stevenson
read the January meeting minutes and gave a summary of the membership numbers and the member survey.  

Tom Willett read the treasurer’s report. 

There was no correspondence this month.

There was no guest speaker.


Bill’s plan to have this year’s Holiday Party at the Museum of Flight was discussed. Twenty-six replies to the email asking for feedback on the idea have been received. Bill stressed that this is a one-time event to recognize all of the hard work club members have put in to make the club successful. This event will cost the club $50 per person and will also cost the members $50 each to attend. Access to the museum all day and the in-house catered meal is included with the price. A show of hands at the meeting showed most people plan to attend, with two people per attendee. A motion was made and seconded and a vote passed to make the reservation and pay the room deposit.

Jim Brusse confirmed that he can host the “drive in” cruise at his house in Gig Harbor on Saturday, June 21st. This is going to be a “Solstice” party, in celebration of the Summer Solstice date.


 Bob discussed the need for the Secretary to have a printer in order to fulfill the requirements of the job. Monthly meeting minutes, member renewals, meeting attendance forms and newsletters all must be printed, and it would be much less expensive to do this in house vs. taking to an office supply store or other printing company. In addition, club event flyers could be printed for distribution by members. A motion was made, seconded and approved for Bob to purchase a printer. Wally is to work with Bob on finding one compatible with the existing club printers for ease of replacement ink cartridges.

 Event Committee:

Ted and Bill described the club’s plans for this year’s Tigers on the Columbia event which will be held in Wenatchee. Convention center meal Saturday will be $65 per person. The Sunday trip to Chelan to view Miller’s Car Museum has been confirmed. Cost for the museum tour will be $20 per person and will include a pizza lunch. Sunday night a dinner at the Rail Station is planned. Wally will work on completing the 2025 Tigers flyer and open online registration at our club website.

Ted gave a presentation on the 2026 Tigers event tentatively scheduled for The Dalles. The event would be at the riverside park. The Neon Sign Museum is a possible tour and site for the banquet. Other ideas are cruises in the area, like US 30, and the Western Antique Auto and Aero Museum in Hood River. There is a sternwheeler cruise at the Cascade Locks that is a possible event. Since Richland is reserved at this time for 2026, if we decide to change to The Dalles we will have to notify Richland by July 1st.

 50/50 RAFFLE:    No raffle this month.

SHOP TALK: Several offered stories.

The club’s business meeting was adjourned at 7:35pm by our President, Bill Nelson. The next club meeting will be on Saturday, March 1st at 6:00pm at Amante Pizza and Pasta, 21020 84th Ave South, Kent, WA.